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Personal Training

With Years Of Experience and Professionalism

You've changed your eating habits--more fruits and vegetables, fewer carbohydrates, more lean protein-yet you still feel like you're not quite where you want to be. You may even be working out three or more days a week--running, walking, or taking a spinning class. You can't figure out why you aren't losing more weight. Our Trainers can provide you with the information you need to meet your goals.

If you've hit a plateau and can't seem to break out of it, there's a reason. Sometimes it takes an expert to figure out exactly what needs to be changed in order for you to start losing weight again. That's when a personal trainer can be a lifesaver.

For some women, the idea of having a personal trainer can seem embarrassing or intimidating. We specialize in personal training for women, so you're guaranteed to have a woman as your trainer - someone who understands a woman's body through-and-through.

That's what you need to get on the right track. You can't make progress if your trainer doesn't understand what your body responds to or the other issues that can get in the way.

If you have any questions about the services offered at The Women's Health and Fitness Center contact us at (346) 304-2749 or email us at Feel free to drop in and visit us at 1208 First Street East Humble, TX 77338.

Our goal is to help improve the lives of all women who wish to better themselves. Check us out today!

Pink Room Warrior Saturday Bootcamp

Humble Location 3rd
Saturday, 8:00 AM

Meet Our Trainer


Owner / Trainer

Felicia is a world-renowned fitness expert, award winning body builder, Power lifter and certified nutrition expert.
She is a leader in the art of transforming women's bodies and educating her clients about the benefits of developing their mental and spiritual capabilities. To date Felicia has competed in several body building competitions and has won 24 trophies.



Kayako is a personal trainer at the WHFC whose training program, FitU transform the spirit, body and soul, personal training, all natural juices and nutrition classes help keep the 'body' fit..

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Kayako Johnson

When I came to Women's Health and Fitness Center I just expected to exercise and get in shape, but little did I know that my soul and spirit needed help too! Once I got there I quickly found that the spirit of the Lord was there and I also received ministry to my heart from all of the ladies and Felicia. It's true what they say "One word can heal" and that is so true. Felicia always yells out during the workout, "I'm not tired yet!!" That one statement pushes me to the next level; in my workout and in my personal life. God ministers through her to me on so many occasions. I believe that happens because she loves and prays for every woman that comes through the door at WHFC. I love this place❤️.

Liz Faublas

A personal experience each time. No matter how many people are in the class Felicia makes you feel like the training is customized for you! But what sets The Women's Health Center apart from all others is you transform mentally, spiritually AND physically! The benefits are long term and healing. I love this fitness center and proud to be a Pink Room warrior and sister!

Barnitra Robinson

You don't know what a body building expert can do for you! Although, my goal is to lose weight and become fit, Ms. Felicia has by far exceeded my expectations as a trainer. She is very knowledgeable about food & nutrition. I'm gaining core strength to help me overcome arthritic joint pain. Everyone was great and supportive. Training at The Women's Health and Fitness Center is an awesome experience!